DIGISTALL replaces the paper stable card in its entirety. No more laboriously sorting and archiving of papers but a documentation service and processing program developed from practice, in a robust tablet with touchscreen.
The complete solution for the stable.
. Complete replacement of paper stable cards
. Robust hardware, permanently installed or mobile in the poultry farm
. Simple installation directly on the stable door
. All data only needs to be entered once
. Needed time only a few minutes a day
. Direct overview of current stable data
. Simple notifications to eg. “HI-Tier”, slaughterhouses, QS and IKB
. The user decides on his own data
. Highest security through triple protection
. No data pollution from third parties
. Reminder functions immediately visible and individually configurable
. Individual access for advisers, government, veterinarians and employee
. Generation of financial benefits through optional data releases
. Exclusive reach for market concepts
Inquire now!
We are happy to advise you on your stable management with DIGISTALL.
Order. Set up. Start.
With Digistall you can control every movement in the poultry farm in an instant.

If desired, DIGISTALL can be adapted to the Individual Corporate Design, CI of the user. The design of the software thus acquires the recognition value of the entrepreneur.